By Dr. Meg Haworth
As a transpersonal psychologist and holistic wellness expert, I’ve had the privilege of working with women entrepreneurs from all walks of life, especially those who feel like they’re at a crossroads—where the vision they once had for their businesses is slipping away, and the weight of failure feels all-encompassing. The pressures can feel like a heavy weight that puts pressure on you and your business, and it can be especially daunting when this heaviness is amplified by the echoing voices of narcissistic or toxic parents.
For women who are already navigating deep-seated emotional wounds, building resilience in the face of financial stress, shrinking businesses, and wavering self-esteem becomes a nuanced and multifaceted process. Resilience isn’t just about “bouncing back”; it’s about transforming adversity into an opportunity for profound growth, deep self-compassion, and wisdom. In this article, I’ll guide you through practical and psychological tools for reclaiming your resilience, even when everything seems to be going wrong.
Understanding the Emotional Terrain
To begin, let’s acknowledge the depth of the emotional terrain you’re traversing. As an entrepreneur, you may have experienced moments when your financial security feels precarious, your ideas don’t land the way you expected, or your sales numbers aren’t coming in as planned. Your business, which was once your dream and your passion, may feel like it’s shrinking before your eyes. The hard work and the late nights may no longer feel like a labor of love, but instead a constant reminder of your perceived failure. On top of all of this, the toxic narrative from a narcissistic parent might have followed you into adulthood, whispering doubts and fears about your worthiness and your ability to succeed.
The stress of this moment can cause a cascade of emotions: anxiety, depression, self-criticism, and the all-too-familiar feeling that you’re not enough. The emotional toll can drain your energy, making it even harder to summon the resilience needed to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward.
But resilience is not something you either have or you don’t. It’s something you can cultivate with intention and support. Let’s explore how.
Reconnecting with Your Inner Power
First and foremost, resilience requires that you reconnect with your inner sense of power and purpose. When things aren’t going well in your business, it’s easy to slip into the mindset of scarcity—focusing on what’s not working, what’s falling apart, and how you’re failing. But remember, as an entrepreneur, you’ve likely encountered challenges in the past and have managed to overcome them, even if you didn’t recognize it at the time. Resilience grows in the soil of adversity.
To reconnect with your inner power, take a moment to reflect on your journey. Write down the obstacles you’ve faced in your personal and professional life and then identify the qualities that you used to get through them. Write down what you were developing – strength, faith, self-compassion, self-trust, or confidence. Perhaps you navigated a tough period of self-doubt after a failed project, or you persevered through financial hardship to finally make it to a breakthrough. As you reflect, remind yourself that your current challenges, though painful, are no different than those you’ve faced before. Your ability to persevere is a testament to your resilience. The qualities that you built are the building blocks of your character.
Cultivating Self-Compassion
In my work with women entrepreneurs, I often see how the voices of toxic or narcissistic parents can create a sense of unworthiness that lingers well into adulthood. These parental figures may have been critical, dismissive, or overly demanding, leaving behind a lasting impact on your self-esteem. If you’ve spent years trying to gain validation or approval from a narcissistic parent, it’s no surprise that in times of business struggle, you might hear their harsh words echoing in your mind as you turn the pressure of criticism onto yourself.
This is where self-compassion becomes a crucial tool for resilience. Rather than pushing yourself through the pain or berating yourself for not meeting expectations, practice the art of self-compassion. Self-compassion is the ability to respond to your own suffering with kindness, understanding, and patience—just as you would for a dear friend who is going through a difficult time.
When you feel overwhelmed by failure or self-doubt, pause and offer yourself the same nurturing care you would give someone you love. Say to yourself, “This is hard right now. It’s okay to feel this way. I’m doing the best I can.” These small, loving moments of self-compassion help to shift the energy from one of self-criticism to one of self-support. By embracing your imperfections and allowing space for your own vulnerability, you begin to build resilience from the inside out.
Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance
A critical element in overcoming setbacks is shifting from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. When your business isn’t doing well, it’s easy to believe that opportunities are limited, that there’s not enough money to go around, or that you’ll never “make it.” These thoughts are fueled by fear, and fear blocks your ability to see possibilities.
Instead of focusing on the things that aren’t working, shift your focus to what is. Start by practicing gratitude for the progress you’ve made, however small it may seem. Look for the hidden gems within your current situation. Maybe you’re learning valuable lessons that will serve you well in the future, or maybe you’re developing new skills that will enable you to pivot successfully to a new niche or idea that is more suited to your knowledgebase and your audience.
Consider this: often, the most successful entrepreneurs didn’t get there by sticking to the same formula forever. They found new opportunities, adapted to change, and embraced the unknown. Instead of thinking in terms of what’s lacking, begin to think in terms of what you can create. The universe is abundant, and opportunities are all around you. You simply may need to shift your mindset to recognize them.
Navigating the Shadows of Toxic Parenting
When resilience feels like an uphill battle, and you feel like you’re constantly battling your own worth, it’s important to address the psychological and emotional remnants of toxic parenting. A narcissistic or toxic parent often undermines a child’s sense of self-worth, leaving them with a deep-seated belief that they are never enough. These internalized messages may come up when things aren’t going well in business, creating a perfect storm of self-doubt and shame.
Healing from the wounds of toxic parenting is a lifelong journey, but you can begin by acknowledging the impact those wounds have had on your current reality. Understand that the harsh voices of your past do not define your present or future. In fact, acknowledging these wounds and the way they’ve shaped your behavior and emotional patterns is an act of incredible strength. It allows you to separate who you are today from the outdated and false beliefs instilled in you by others.
Seek therapy, coaching, or mentorship that can help you process these wounds and shift your relationship with your past. In doing so, you create a space for a new narrative—one where you are worthy, capable, and deserving of success. The more you free yourself from the hold of toxic patterns, the more resilient you will become in navigating the business world and all its challenges.
Building a Support Network
Finally, one of the most critical aspects of resilience is building a supportive network of like-minded individuals who understand your struggles. As women entrepreneurs, especially those dealing with toxic pasts, isolation can feel overwhelming. You might think you need to carry the weight of your business challenges alone, but that is far from the truth. Surround yourself with a community that offers encouragement, advice, and emotional support.
Whether it’s a trusted friend, a business coach, or a peer support group, having people who “get it” can make all the difference. Seek out communities that foster genuine connection, not just transactional relationships. When you share your vulnerabilities with others, you create space for collective healing, and the shared wisdom of your community can inspire new ways to approach your challenges.
Building resilience as a woman entrepreneur isn’t about denying your feelings of disappointment, fear, or frustration. It’s about cultivating the tools to face these emotions with grace and to rise above them with courage and compassion. You are not your setbacks. You are not defined by the challenges you face. Your strength lies in your ability to turn adversity into opportunity, to heal from the wounds of your past, and to build a future where your dreams can thrive.
No matter how difficult the road may seem, know that resilience is within you. It’s waiting to be awakened through self-compassion, mindset shifts, and a deep connection to your inner power. You’ve already shown the world your determination by starting your entrepreneurial journey, now it’s time to show yourself that you have everything you need to see it through.
Transpersonal Psychologist & Holistic Chef, Dr. Meg Haworth helps wounded ACON’s (Adult Children of Narcissists & toxic parents) to become healed ICON’s (Independent, Confident, Original & Naturally YOU) in her ICONIC ME coaching program, The Toxic Parent Recovery Summit, online courses, her YouTube Channel, and on faculty with The Shift Network. You can reach out to her at