Introducing L.A. Roberts, a trailblazer whose impact transcends borders. With three best-selling titles under her belt, she’s not just an author but a catalyst for transformation, holding a decade of experience as a consultant at the highest echelons of executive leadership. Her literary prowess has not only dominated the charts in the U.S. but also captured the hearts of readers across Europe, securing top spots in multiple categories in France and Germany.
What motivated you to pursue your current career, and what obstacles did you overcome along the way?
That’s an interesting question because I don’t consider what I do a career but a life style. It’s always been in my heart for as long as I can remember to help, motivate and encourage people. My main source of motivation has always been my “Papa” Leon F. Howard Sr. I grew up watching him be such an amazing man. He helped everyone he could and had such a loving spirit. He was truly a phenomenal man. The first major challenge was when my Papa passed away October 27, 2016. Loosing him was the hardest thing making me question if I was able to continue doing something I loved so much. I almost gave up but I kept being reminded of the promise I made my Papa when he passed. Which was to continue making him proud and that people all over the world would know his name. I could not do any of that if I quit and one thing I was not going to do was break my promise to my Papa.
How do you balance your personal and professional lives, and what advice would you give to other women striving to do the same?
It took a lot of trial and error to find the perfect balance however I learned that balance was very important. There are 2 modes for me professional and personal and I can easily switch either off or on if needed. I am very intentional on scheduling time to do either because if you don’t one will suffer. I would tell other women to do the same. Make sure you are very intentional and focused on what needs to be done at that time. If you need to in a meeting be completely present in that moment. And if you are spending time with family or getting a massage you need to be completely present in that moment as well. Don’t deny yourself the ability to do both well when needed.
What do you think are the most pressing challenges facing women in your industry today, and what steps can be taken to overcome them?
I honestly think the most pressing challenge can be ourselves. We as women have the tendency to question our abilities and gifts and that is done through the terrible thing called comparison. Instead of focusing on what it is we have do offer we get caught up looking at everyone else. That causes us to compete when in actuality there is no competition for what’s yours. There are people waiting to hear your voice, read your story and get motivated by you. There is no one like you and there never will be. So stay focused and do what only you can.
What do you see as the biggest opportunities for women in your industry, and how can aspiring female professionals take advantage of them?
I believe the biggest opportunity for women is the beauty of collaboration. Once we truly realize that together we can do more the world will change for the better. Learning to celebrate each others strengths and help when we see weaknesses without judgment. I’ve learned there is always something new to learn which has caused me to remain teachable. Collaborating with women who have the same attitude is an amazing experience that all women should have.
How do you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset in the face of setbacks or obstacles, and what tips would you offer to others in this regard?
I must admit sometimes it can be hard however I always remember the promise I made to my Papa. I’ve also made a promise to future generations as well. I don’t have children yet however it is my responsibility to lay the foundation for them. My desire is to continue building a legacy that my children, grandchildren and so forth can be proud off. I think of my ancestors and how they also had hard times and wanted to give up at a point but didn’t because if they did I wouldn’t be here today. I have their strength and will continue what they started. The future deserves it. It’s not just about me it’s about those connected and depending on me.
What advice would you give to young women who are just starting out in their careers, and what do you wish you had known when you were first starting out?
I would tell young women to be kind to yourselves. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Remain flexible and fluid and always know there will be another opportunity to do it bigger and better. Don’t compare yourself and stay in your own lane. And the most important thing is HAVE LOTS OF FUN and ENJOY THE JOURNEY.

Meet Tina Lunde, your expert in mindset and personal development.