Think of the excitement you get from having a great idea and then thinking ‘how can I make this happen?’. Lots of people experience this emotion, but how do we actually achieve our goals and how do we ensure that we stay on track all the way through the process? Having goals and achieving goals are two very different things. So how should we set about defining our goals and then how do ensure that we will complete them? Here are the key ten steps you need to understand and implement if you truly want to achieve all your goals on the road to success.
Step 1 – Be Clear About What You Want
Take time to really think about what it is you are trying to achieve. It needs clarity. Vague ideas get vague results. You need to define a clear path forward. We all have a lot of goals in our minds but we have to start with one idea at a time. Give clarity and focus to one very clear and very specific goal.
Step 2 – Why Do You Want It?
This is the big question that you need to ask yourself. ‘Why’ is the most important question of all. You will not be able to find the ‘Way’ until you are very clear about the ‘Why’. The why can be many things: to tell a story, build a new business, share an inspiration or recount an experience etc. The why will be your guiding light as you go through each step of the process. Knowing the ‘why’ at the beginning will also help when challenges arise. It keeps you motivated and focused.
Step 3 – Write it Down
Write everything down. Define what you want and why you want it. Fill in the details. Don’t be afraid to put your dreams into writing. By writing it down it dispels fear and brings courage. You are sending a message to the universe about what you truly want. Things also become clearer when they are written down.
Step 4 – Create a Plan
This starts after writing everything down. The details you have written down are the starting point for creating a more comprehensive plan of action. It defines and sets out a series of tasks and steps to get from the initial idea through to the end result.
Step 5 – Cultivating your Faith And Stay Loyal to the Plan
Completing a plan initially brings pleasure. But then starting the first tasks brings pressures and challenges. You feel committed but some things will inevitably be out of your control. Don’t expect an easy journey. You have to learn to ‘trust the process’. It is a form of test so you need to put your faith and trust into the process. You have to stay ‘loyal to your plan’. You will always find lots of reasons to give up. That’s life. But you must persevere.
Step 6 – Track Your Progress
Make sure you always track your progress and try to stay on track. If you falter don’t try and blame things or people. You might feel like giving up but don’t. carry on. By tracking your progress you are logging everything you have achieved so far which is a motivator. Track every single achievement. It feels good. You are on a journey that will probably consist of many milestones. Before you get to your destination you also need to ‘prepare yourself’. Don’t be scared of ‘failure’, instead learn to accept the hardships – in fact anticipate in advance that they will happen. So it is perfectly okay to prepare to fail if you have the right mindset.
Step 7 & 8 – Keep Going and Be Consistent
Consistency is key. If you are not consistent you will have only achieved a lot of wasted effort! Remember this is not about how great you are but how consistent you are. It doesn’t matter how ‘amazing’ you are. If you are not consistent you will not achieve your goals. Even people who are NOT amazing can succeed if they are consistent because they are building momentum.
Step 9 – Be Persistent
Being persistent throughout is all about maintaining the resilience you have already built up during this process. So the desire that is burning within you is being sustained by your faith. That in turn helps you to be persistent so you are feeling ‘ready ‘ for the success that will come. Your determination will overcome all barriers. You will not be stopped. This is the key element that distinguishes successful people from the non-successful.
Step 10 – Celebrate Your Arrival
This is like planting the flag at the top of the mountain. The feeling of achievement – and the satisfaction. It is about celebrating the task you have now completed. A goal that has been fulfilled. You are cultivating the ‘habit of success’ as opposed to ‘the habit of failure’. Give yourself the credit and the certificate of achievement. You deserve it.
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About Mirela Sula
Mirela Sula has worked in media and education for the last 20 years and has speaking experience all around the world. Her background takes in psychology and counselling, journalism, teaching, coaching, women’s rights and media training. Mirela is CEO and the founder of Global Woman Magazine and Global Woman Club.