The first is so simple, it could be shocking, but it’s what keeps most people stuck and never starting a business.
Change happens to all of us, whether we like it or not. So why not take control of the change and be prepared to face challenges that come along the way?
There are three areas that everyone must work on to start a business and go from point A to point B: mindset, skillet, and actions. Why is mindset number one? It’s because 80% of success is physiology and 20% is strategy.
When I coach my clients, I usually start by asking them where they are now and where they want to go. Then we dive into why before we get into the how because many people feel overwhelmed with the how and get stuck. So, here’s the exercise that you can do to coach yourself.
On a scale from 1-10 where are you financially? Try to be brutally honest with yourself. Nobody has to see it but you. Write it down fast. Don’t overthink it. Where do you want to be in the next few months or in the next year? Be very specific about how much money you want to make.
The next question is why do you want that result? What’s so special about that amount? Go through seven layers deep with your why. Try to get out of your head and into your heart. You might feel emotions come up from your past. Don’t block them whatever they might be. Allow them to surface. It’s OK to cry if you feel like it.
The challenges from the past can be driving forces for a better future. When the fear of failure, and self-doubt starts to pop into your mind like an unpleasant – uninvited guest, make sure you get back to your why. Come up with words of affirmation along with a physical move and sound you can do to change your energy! Practice daily in the mirror. Write them down and feel the energy.
Talk to people who are successful. Feed your mind with successful examples. Join Facebook and LinkedIn groups of people who are successful and try not to compare your results with theirs. You are not behind, you’re not ahead, you are perfectly where you need to be. Your journey is unique to you.
The person you become while on this transformational journey will determine your success. It’s why people who win lotteries yet lose money within short periods of time. They were not mentally prepared for it. While you go through this journey, you must get ready to be ready for success.
Mindset is a daily practice. Like muscle workout, you need to do mental workout. You can’t just do once a week and expect great results. Set time on your calendar to work on your mindset. Stay in high positive vibrations so that even when you run into speed bumps or must take detours you are not affected. This is crucial when starting up a business, you’ll still be able to have the mindset, energy, and determination to get to where you want.
If you have negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones. When you change your story, you change your life. One of my limiting beliefs when I started the business was that people didn’t buy from me because they didn’t understand my accent, that I was a woman, that I didn’t have connections, bla bla, and bla. Once I changed my story, into people who still bought from me, and fed my mind with those positive examples, everything started to change.
Once you have figured out your why, then dive into what skills you DO have. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Tap into your strength and double down on it. Many entrepreneurs try to learn everything and then end up becoming a jack-of-all-trades and a master-of-none. I was that person and there are times I still catch myself trying to learn something new that I absolutely hate. It’s not natural to me.
Pick your top three strengths and areas that you really enjoy contributing to most and let someone else do the rest. Having a skillset helps build confidence. Double down on your skills and your strength. Become a master in your field and get known for one specific thing.
What actions will you be taking to start working towards your goals? Remember to dream big but take small steps. Don’t look at the top of a mountain but at the very first step at the bottom and keep going. Create a schedule for 30-90 days on what you’ll be doing each day. Every day celebrate everything, small or big, successes or even failures. Remember that everything happens for a reason. As my mentor, John Maxwell, says, “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” Look at any failure as feedback. Adopt an attitude-of-gratitude mindset.
Be aware that while you’re taking actions, negative thoughts will start to creep in. Give 100% and try one thing at a time. Ask for help when you need it. Remember to take care of your health and people close to you. Some of them might be surprised by the changes in you. Some will embrace and support your changes, and some will not. Be aware of those who are not supportive. If it’s a close family member like a spouse, your parents or your children, just tell them to trust you.
You don’t need to give them too many details. They have a fear of failure and do the utmost not to disappoint you, and they are not on your journey. You are on your own journey. Embrace your identity as an unstoppable entrepreneur, while remaining loving and kind to everyone around you, even those who might not believe in you. Sometimes those who judge you the most can be the ones that push you to prove them wrong.
As the saying goes, tell me you can’t and watch me go. Be that person. Become unshakable, unstoppable, be a peaceful being and a peaceful doer.

Teuta Shabani
Teuta Shabani is an entrepreneur, a leader, a speaker, and an author, accomplished in each field. Teuta Shabani believes that challenges are fantastic opportunities. She is known for delivering high quality work and thriving under pressure, focusing on results.
Teuta Shabani has worked at and secured roles with a high and impressive diversity. They include being the Founder/CEO of Mitro Digital Marketing, a strong professional relationship with John Maxwell entailing everything from public speaking to executing strategic plans and being a marketing consultant for a decade to the present.
Currently Teuta is working toward fulfilling her role as marketing consultant for Outer Banks Voice in North Carolina, bolstering her company Mitro Digital Marketing with a proven determination, and flourishing in every avenue in her relationship with John Maxwell. She is exceptionally educated with three degrees from scientific, computer-scientific, and humanitarian canons of knowledge and thought.