It takes a certain type of person – a certain type of woman – to take on the challenge of developing a start-up from scratch. You could be that type of woman. The key is to understand that we are not stationary in this life. We are all capable of change, capable of evolution. It may seem like a daunting task, this journey of self-transformation, but trust me, you will reap incredible rewards by the end of it.
Still unsure? Let Shreesha Khare take you through three principal stages that will allow you to become an evolutionary woman. Firstly, ask yourself this: what makes a woman a woman? What energy does she possess? Only once we understand that, can we move on to harness that energy in order to accomplish our goals and unlock what life can give us.
By Shreesha Khare
The ‘W’ and ‘Man’ in “Woman” show that there is one source as far as the physical realm is concerned – be it a woman, man, or a feminine-identified person. These yin and yang energies (feminine and masculine) are present in everyone, irrespective of gender. Have you ever wondered if women are born only to get married and have babies? Is a man born to be a breadwinner? Why can’t a woman be in the boardroom or just about anywhere in the world to do anything she desires? Why can’t she achieve something for herself, her surroundings and for humanity?
It is not about becoming what a woman should be, but rather what she wants to be. A woman holds all the power in this universe. She needs to realise that! It is about the self-empowerment of women and their choices. The idea of an evolutionary woman is not to follow any set path, but to make your own way in life and become the best version of
yourself that you can be.

I’d like to change the flow by inviting women to take a deep dive into their inner ocean and begin to understand the roles they play, instead of focusing on the outside. If she could create an entirely new human from the darkness of the womb to the lightness of the outside world, imagine what else she could create if energy was channelled into evolving and restoring order in humanity.
We are evolving into a society where women are not just seen as mothers and wives, but rather as equal partners in every aspect of life. Women have been the leaders of change, and we are now entering an era where they will be leading innovation. A woman is not a woman because she has given birth to a child or because she is married. A woman is a woman because she chooses to be one.
They will be able to make the world a better place for everyone else, as well as themselves, if they just take the time to learn how they can do their best! And they can do it by going through three stages to be an evolutionary woman.
Stage One: The Dreaming
Shreesha, what do you want to be when you grow up
I will be an air hostess.
Air hostess? Is that a career? Why Air Hostess?
I will get to travel the world…
Aged 16, at the start of the conversation with my parents, I did not know what I was saying. I was different. I was channelling my inner voice at that time. And yes, it was my dream to travel the world. With feminine energy, we run more from our heart. I never asked myself, “what career is it?”. I never considered what I’d become based on what society expected from us. As women, despite hearing our inner voice, we have been conditioned to suppress both our pleasant and unpleasant emotions. For 30 years, I was stuck on autopilot in a work-eat-sleep life cycle. It’s about time that we go within and ask ourselves, “What do we really want?”

When we dream of something, it is an indication that we are designed to do exactly that. Use that deep-rooted truth to express old stagnant emotions. Your dream is a life force for you to move freely – but before we do that, we must be very clear about what we want. We must understand the root of our dreams: why are they here? What is it asking us to do? Do they serve any purpose? If you have clarity about your dreams, be persistent and determined to pursue them. There will be obstacles, but that’s a litmus test for dreams. It comes as a portal to ask you this: is this something you really want? What do you really yearn for? What is your body, gut, heart, and soul calling you to do?
We must feel everything in our inner world. If you hear “No” as an answer in search of your dreams, don’t get discouraged. It only means that the person or thing doesn’t have something you want, move on to the next, and so on. You will surely find a more knowledgeable person who holds the perfect answer. It works in the same way you shop. You keep going to the next shop until you find what you want. Just as you never quit to find the perfect dress, never quit on your dreams. What I have come to experience is that anything and everything is possible – it’s just how desperately you want it to happen.

Stage Two: Explorer Stage
To be the best version of yourself, it’s essential to embrace your femininity as well as your masculinity. There’s no better way to explore the world around you than by focusing on both. A woman is made of nurturing, caring, soft-hearted emotional beings. She also has another side where she can become dynamic – a very powerful masculine power. If a situation arises, a woman can take on strong masculine energy as well, just like Durga and the Kali Goddess. She knows how to balance it. We must explore our wild nature and earthly nature before we reach our higher divine energy.
An evolutionary journey must be experienced inside, as the outside is a mirror reflection of what is inside. This stage is also a stage of disruption to your mindset, thought process, and body, causing symptoms like sweating, anxiety, and depression. We realise that we have been deeply conditioned by images and words that have been inserted into our subconscious mind.

When I ignored my dreams and suppressed my inner truth, I found myself with constant worry and doubts about my abilities as a person. This fear and anxiety ruled my life in my late 20s. I was living a life of trials and errors, breaking bonds and commitments. My trust was broken, and I trusted the wrong people. I put energy into things and people that were simply not worth it. I tried things like modelling, gave public sector exams, worked for corporate for 3 years, and had experiences that were harmful to me. However, I rewired my brain, as making mistakes was a beautiful part of my waking journey. All my failed attempts gave me experiences and supported me to evolve at a higher level.
In 2019, when I wrote my first book, I challenged myself and took the risk of self-publishing it. Little did I know at that time that I love exploration, and, in exploring, I discovered that I topped the 100 under Debut Author list for writing my second book with other women in Canada. I would say, explore your body, your fullest vocal potential. We can choose to be anything. What are your values? Be self-aware of every nook and corner of your existence in this body. What makes you tick, and how do you perceive yourself? Sit down with yourself in silence and observe every movement of yours. How well do you hold a relationship with your light and darkness? Go deep within yourself and find out what makes you human first, and then a woman.

Two things can happen in the exploration stage: either we can ignore everything, depress ourselves and disintegrate; or we can get digging into our subconscious brain and choose to give direction from where everything is coming. When these things are combined, we feel wellbeing. We express ourselves as we get in touch with our body rhythms – the body holds the power to bring us at ease with who we are.
A lot of women don’t go deep within themselves because they either fear being judged or don’t feel supported by society. But, hey! It’s fine if we are not supported by outside forces. The question is how you support yourself. First things first, what makes you believe that you’re not supported by society? Is this something that happened while you were growing up? Explore your roots; the answers lie there. This stage will help you to know your natural gifts as you go through a crisis. Obstacles and all other changes are nothing but tunnels to pass through to reach the light of passion, purpose, love, and gifts to share with people while you are in your beingness.

Stage Three: The Co-creation Stage
When we are in touch with our beingness and becoming, that’s when we desire to connect with someone who understands our vocational arousal. You must be thinking: what exactly is being and becoming at this stage? It is simple. Right now, are you working on something that you like and evolving in that space? Like me, while I am writing this article, I love doing it and learning more about my writing, doing pro bono coaching and hosting my podcast. An evolutionary woman really wants to join other like-minded communities and express her creativity with someone who also understands and needs what she wants.
“An evolutionary woman leans towards self-evolution and co-creation” – Barbara Marx Hubbard
It is also about the evolution of sexuality: procreation by choice, marriage by choice, and sex by choice. A stage where your ideas come to life and you are rewarded for sharing your unique gifts. And your ideas come to life when combined with social and personal partnership and eventually sparks thoughts on creating a planetary difference.
Edited by Angela Azuar
About Shreesha Khare

Shreesha’s Purpose is to help people to live their purpose, which will require an evolution of great awakening
to your true self and to be courageous to be who you are. She believes that there is no one direct path to her purpose, but in 2022 she had the opportunity to combine her passion for personal development, creativity and constant growth with Coaching into a global brand. She was thriving as an entrepreneur- Chief Humanitarian Being at S&S Co- Space for Humanity, where they guide people to their inner connection, a space where AUTHENTICITY and VULNERABILITY is the ground rule. A prolific Author of two books (and a third on its way) on Self-Love and Relationships, collaborating with powerful women entrepreneurs.