…And how to ditch the 90% that’s not serving you!
Can you honestly say you’ve applied ALL the ‘self-help’ advice you’ve amassed through the years to your life?
Now, be honest!
That’s okay. You are far from alone.
There’s actually a really good reason why this happens.
Let’s start off on a positive note: self-improvement is wonderful!
It’s really nice to see how many more people are taking the time to improve their lives. But — if we’re being honest — most of our self-help journeys wind up being pretty shallow.
We collect the latest tips, tricks, and hacks only for them to collect dust on our bookshelves, inboxes, and mental space.
In other words, ALL that powerful, life-changing knowledge isn’t being applied to our lives and doesn’t actually lead to transformation.
Sure, we listen to podcasts, read books, and take programs — but we don’t implement what we learn. We crack the spine (or start the podcast), get a few chapters or episodes in, and then think:
“Oh, wow, that was great. I feel so much better!”
Then we set it on our coffee table or computer desktop and forget all about it…
…Until the NEXT self-improvement thing comes along.
As psychologist, Dr. Svend Brinkmann says in his criticism of self-improvement work, “It’s a process without end. You can never say, Now I’ve realized my full potential. Now, I am actually the best version of myself.”
And that’s particularly true if you never implement what you learn into your life.
So how do we make all that self-improvement actually create TRANSFORMATION?
Think about those pictures of giant icy glaciers towering over the water. What we see is only 10% of the whole. The remaining 90% is completely submerged underwater.
And just like that visible 10%, collecting self-help without applying it to your life is like going on a scavenger hunt and ending up with a dozen useless items.
Back in high school, my friend’s mom put together this scavenger hunt, and I was so excited about the prospect of winning (although I don’t even remember what the prize was).
We had so much fun as we scrambled around the town laughing throughout the night and were so proud of ourselves when we returned with all the goodies we had collected.
But by the end of the night, I found myself wondering… what was I going to do with all this stuff?
What were, at first, prized possessions quickly became miscellaneous junk that had little meaning and didn’t go together.
Collecting self-improvement tips and tricks is just like that scavenger hunt — the initial moment is full of promise, but at the end of the day, the items are of little use to you.
When people collect, they trick themselves into thinking they consumed.
Most of us rarely get past this collecting phase of self-improvement to make it to the next step… because that feeling of collection gets confused with satisfaction.
But there’s another word that’s more important than collecting… it’s connection.
If we get past the collecting stage, this is where we start to implement the self-improvement techniques we learned. We need that second step of connecting with the ideas. Whether it’s through a yoga or meditation practice, working with a life coach, going on a retreat, or completing a course.
As we start connecting the material we learned to our daily lives, we develop mastery of these techniques and modalities and finally begin seeing improvement in these areas.
All finished, right? Not quite…
While going deeper than the surface, we’re still not reaching the most satisfying layer of self-improvement.
This is where the real work happens — complete and total transformation.
What does this mean? When the work transforms you, you begin to live from your soul-level truths, your heartfelt desires, and your innate gifts and talents. You have stepped into your purpose and are exquisitely aligned with your higher self.
However, make no mistake about it, this is the path least traveled, and it won’t be easy — that’s why most give up.
But if you crave MORE for your life, you know in your heart and soul… that more is waiting for you.
Free yourself from the chains of conformity and go the path least traveled!
When you feel like something is missing from your life, you tend to go looking for answers outside of yourselves. But really, what’s missing… is YOU.
If you’re ready for MORE, it’s time to stop collecting self-improvement and start diving deeper into the depths of the self-help iceberg through connection.
ONLY choose self-improvement aligned with your higher self and the life you desire. Approach self-improvement with the intention of doing the deep work required for lasting transformation.
So, before you collect more self-improvement, ask yourself…
What feels empowering to you?
What is true for you?
What feels exquisitely aligned?
Most importantly, it’s time to venture where few have ever gone… Are you ready?
About the Author

Gina Maier Vincent
Founder & CEO of Exquisitely Aligned
Transformation Expert, Podcaster, and Speaker
GINA MAIER VINCENT a Transformation Expert has been stretching women’s personal boundaries since 2003. She founded Blissed-out, Fit & Feisty in 2017. Now, Gina is also the Creatrix of Exquisitely Aligned, where she guides women to express their truest selves outwardly… so they become EXACTLY what they see missing in the world. She hosts the Exquisitely Aligned podcast and appeared on A Quest for Well–Being, The Relatable Voice, and Dare to be Authentic Radio, to name just a few. Learn more about Gina Vincent at https://exquisitelyaligned.com
Please explore Gina’s website Exquisitely Aligned and her FREE ebook Shine Unapologetically.
Her own life has been full of twists and turns you can read more about in her Executive Bio and Backgrounder- Personal Story.