Do This For You by Krissy Cela
Providing a practical guide for women on how they to own their physical and mental health – by only thinking about their true desires and needs – Krissy helps women across the globe discover their ‘why’ and come up with their own action plan. This book is all about how to establish that all-elusive exercise habit, perfect for everyone, including those who are just starting their fitness journey.
Do This For You: How To Be A Strong Woman From The Inside Out by Krissy Cela is published by Aster, £16.99, Hardback.
Doctor’s Kitchen – 3-2-1 by Dr Rupy Aujla
After overcoming his own health problems using evidence-based food and lifestyle medicine back in 2011, he has since been on a mission to help people live healthier, happier lives. Doctor’s Kitchen – 3-2-1 includes recipes which are formulated to contain three portions of fruit or vegetables, serve two hungry mouths, all while using just one pan.
Doctor’s Kitchen 3-2-1 by Dr Rupy Aujla (Harper Thorsons, £16.99) @doctors_kitchen
Honey I Home-Schooled the Kids by Nadia Sawalha and Mark Adderley
A personal and practical guide to home schooling, Honey I Home-schooled the Kids includes myriad of great advice for parents whose children are in full time education. Wanting to help so many of us adapt to our new roles as parents and teachers, they bring their experiences – the good and the bad – and offer a candid and practical guide to teaching at home.
Honey, I Home-Schooled the Kids by Nadia Sawalha and Mark Adderley is published by Coronet, £14.99.
Ten Times Happier by Owen O’Kane
This newest release from leading Psychotherapist Owen O’Kane reveals how to choose healthier perspectives and ditch harmful patterns in the 10 key areas we all overthink about or manage poorly. With empowering solutions, Owen helps readers to manage what keeps them stuck so they can move forward.
Ten Times Happier, published by HQ-Harper Collins, is available at Amazon and all good book stores now!
MumLife by Louise Pentland
MumLife is a reflective and uplifting read. Motivated by the desire to make mums feel less alone and heard, Louise describes how losing her mum so early in life has shaped the mother she is today. This book also donates 1% of all net receipts and all of Louise’s royalties to the NSPCC.
MumLife, What Nobody Ever Tells You About Being A Mum by Louise Pentland (£14.99, Blink Publishing)
Matt & Anna’s Where’s My Happy Ending by Anna Whitehouse and Matt Farquharson
Exploring some of life’s greatest questions and mysteries about love, the authours embark on a journey to find out what it takes to make a marriage work forever. For a searingly honest report on modern romance, informed by feminist academics, neurologists, psychologists and even porn-makers, Where’s my Happy Ending? is the book for you.
Where’s My Happy Ending? By Anna Whitehouse & Matt Farquharson (Bluebird £14.99
The Secret Life of a Vet by Rory Cowlam
Detailing the demanding experience of veterinary school and what human qualities it takes to treat animals, Rory unveils what being a vet is really like. In an era where mental health is beginning to receive the attention it deserves, Rory also explores the implications the intense pressures which come with the job can have on a vet’s own mental wellbeing.
The Secret Life of a Vet by Rory Cowlam ls published by Coronet, priced £9.99.
Help to celebrate World Book Day with these amazing books!