I was considering what to write for this issue, so as to provide something useful for this gorgeous community, have positive impact on whatever the current season in life of our dear readers is and, finally, somehow present myself and my work to even more like-minded women from the world.
I thought – do I write some tips (what kind exactly?), do I share some expertise on skills (which ones to choose exactly?), after which it dawned on me – at this moment of the year, a lot of us are still enjoying Summer yet slowly push one feet, one thought, one to-do list forward for the next season…for the last part of the year. Of this year. So, I fastened on this: it could be about something bigger, something overarching our current affairs, duties, plans, wishes, desires, skills… I could write about enhancing our belief, I could awaken hope, trust and the everlasting skill of believing in the unseen, believing in miracles. So, let’s go!
I remember, at one of our coaching sessions in the past year, I spoke with a dear client of mine about her next steps regarding a project she was working on. We mentioned that her birthday falls on the same day and connected it with her activities. What could she do in terms of visibility of her and her project, together with milestone commemoration of the day?
Thinking of her, suddenly I stumbled upon a realization (one of those bright, creative, positive, inspirational and motivational ones: those of which I try to have as much as possible): It’s her birthday this month! Overwhelmed with joy about her progress and new successes (as I am with all my other clients) I began thinking about all that she’s done in this period…
All this that she desired, and, at some point in time, didn’t know how to as little as visualize, start, not to mention achieve. Sometimes we don’t even know what it is that we want exactly, and we start to realize it step by step…
So here is the main, guiding idea: this time last year, I didn’t even know SHE existed. I didn’t know about her desires, aspirations, hopes, dreams, visions, goals…today we are celebrating them together! And there will be even more to come. Moreover, she is not the only one, there are so many others with varying successes, variant personal and professional achievements, variable evolutions…
Imagine if for example, I quit my job last year! Only imagine there was a waning in progress, or I lost motivation, vision, support, anything catastrophic in resonance… If I didn’t continue in spite of difficulties and without seeing what comes next. And it is not just this particular case.
I can list here a number of “unpredicted, unexpected, unseen” events, experiences and successes. I wouldn’t have witnessed so many changes, evolutions, and positive impacts that these women have achieved, and will continue to achieve in the future. I wouldn’t have witnessed all else possibilities held for me.
Sometimes, we don’t see further ahead in life from what we only see and experience in front of us on the edge of the cutting moment. We only see through the memories, skills, knowledge and version of ourselves that we’ve had until that moment. We are not aware that maybe there is more. Having deep desire and believing in the unseen – that is called faith. Having a (blurred, perhaps) vision and taking one step at a time without foreknowledge or foresight – that is called faith. That is the feminine way of believing, creating and manifesting, of life.
Sometimes we are actually sensing some new future version of ourselves, our lives, and what is somewhere possible, whether it is nearby, and whether it be not nearby. That is the place from which we start. In order to reach that future version, we don’t just have to plan, strategize and learn, we also need to listen to our heart, to our body, to our feelings, and discern which thoughts to listen to and which to ignore. Separation of our inner critic (a part that speaks with extreme doubt, criticizes us and tries everything under our sun to protect us by stopping us on the outskirts of the unknown) from our inner wisdom (where we deeply ascertain what is best for us, what we are meant for and how powerful and capable we are): this separation is the chief thing.
Also, to reach that version we must also take some steps and undertake some activities. Being a Queen of your life (including your career) demands integrity between both your feminine (creative and intuitive being) and masculine (logical thinking, planning AND taking action) sides. Yet, attenuation in curbing overconfidence whose fruit is overactivity, this too can be your solution. Once you connect with your deep wisdom, your mission and purpose, your desires – then you take aligned and right action. Timing perfect, departure started, belief solidifying, you are acting—in faith.
We may start by asking ourselves “What don’t I know yet? What must I learn? What steps should I take? How do I get there? Where can I look for and get some help?” and many other questions depending on our phase of life. Another destiny-determinant: the “what” of that which you are thinking about.
Most of all – we must learn to be patient and open. To wait for outcomes while actively moving. To wait while practicing gratitude for: all that we already have and is already increasing; all the lessons on the way; being brilliant and imperfect at the same time.
Learning to be open means opening up to the unknown, to the unfulfilled, to the new versions of us, of life, and of the world around us. To open up to miracles, big or small, this is the key thing—just like our own existence is a miracle. Who knows how many people you have yet to meet? How many skills that you could hone though aren’t aware of yet? How many ways of doing things you haven’t seen before? How many new experiences, new goals, new emotions, new achievements…new desires.
Even if it may seem long sometimes, it is possible. Because anything is possible. Sometimes the form that it comes in is not what we have expected—at all. This is where we are open to receive without forcing our way.
So, to apply this in a practical sense, useful for you NOW, ask yourself and write down answers to the following questions:
- What is something new that I’ve seen, experienced, or achieved, that wasn’t a reality in last year’s September?
- Which parts of me, traits, emotions, habits, abilities that I have now, weren’t a reality in last year’s September?
- How have I become a better person since last year’s September?
- What is something new that I would like to see, experience, or achieve by the end of this year? Until next year, this time? How does that look and feel to me? What kind of a woman do I need to become in order to be able to do that/have that/ achieve that?
- What kind of a woman will I become through this project/process?
- What am I afraid of?
- What motivates me? Why do I want to start that business/ project/ process? Why?
- What will that bring to my life? How will it affect the lives of others? What will my impact be?
- Where should I start from? Where should I ask for help? Of all the opportunities I am presented with, which is of highest priority? What is most important?
About The Author:
Irena Jakimova is founder of INSPIRIT Coaching, a licensed trainer of adults, an Executive Coach, Business Coach and a Transformational Coach for Women Empowerment.
Irena has been actively working as a trainer and consultant to managers, leaders, public administration officials, entrepreneurs and companies since 2011. Prior to that, she has vast experience in the fields of marketing, advertising, PR and communication, both for companies and for international
For more than 15 years, she has worked for branches of leading international advertising agencies, like DDB Needham (IDEA Plus), McCann Erickson, where she was the General Manager for 6 years. She has worked for clients like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Nestle, General Motors, L’Oreal, USAID
and others.